Comments : Who's the Victim Here? (syntuit)

  • 8 years ago

    by Meena Krish

    You stabbed me deeply
    and then you became angry
    I bled on your knife.

    ^^Words are deep and dangerous like a knife, for once they are used to cut it cannot be taken back, healed or forgotten. In just three lines you have summed well life's precious lesson-don't throw your words without knowing its power!

    The funny thing of this is that the person who did it always is angry and we have to feel pity or maybe just forget. I feel they are angry because they did it without realizing the magnitude of its result.

    • 8 years ago

      by Larry Chamberlin

      I think that they too often throw these cutting barbs full well knowing their impact and then blame the victim by projecting their own harshness onto the other:

      "Look what you made me do!"