Comments : Color me blank canvas

  • 7 years ago

    by Maple Tree

    I'm not sure what it is about this piece, but I flipping love it!

    Your style is unique and dazzling...the poem is meaning...oh this comment is lame, I'm sorry. ..I just live this!!!

  • 7 years ago

    by Meena Krish

    Judging Comment:

    What an interesting write with an interesting outlook.
    Its poetry and artistry all molded into one to make
    a perfect picture/art. At the same time there is also
    a touch of sensual atmosphere and passion seeps
    from each line. It goes to show how passionate
    an artist is when involved with his/her work.

    with your painted red lips
    distinct and soft like summer rain drops
    my Michaelangelo, my Da vinci

    ^^This also can be viewed from a lover's point
    of view-passions play coupled with famous artist's
    names, the colors mingled with nature.

    Overall a different method of expressing poetry
    using a variety of tools which involves creating an
    art...hope that made sense.