Comments : Delicious feedback

  • 7 years ago

    by Ben Pickard

    Hello Lucero

    Has someone been unfairly criticising you? Not sure, but it sounds like it here, lol

    Your poetry is so unique that sometimes you are going to run into people that just don't like or get a specific piece and then the next day, you could post a poem that same person loves! That's how original and different your work is. Be proud of that.

    (I like salty food too...mind you, too much can ruin the meal, if you understand me...)

    Take care and all the best

    • 7 years ago

      by Everlasting

      Hi! Well, oh no.

      I don't think anyone has ever unfairly criticized my poems But but sometimes I have received too much sweetness (don't get me wrong, I like sweet) but sometimes it's too much for me XD no wonder sometimes I even get annoyed with my own self.

      I mean I'm more into salty, acidic, and spicy... If you know what I mean. But yes, too much can also ruin the meal. I agree.

  • 7 years ago

    by Em

    Lucero, love the whole concept of this piece.
    Too many cooks spoils the broth comes to mind lol. No use sugar coating things is there? Too much of anything is never a good thing even when we like it.


  • 7 years ago

    by hiraeth

    Well darn, i was just about to throw some sweet barbecue sauce onto this taco, but i guess mentioning that "Stop" has no punctuation after it, counts a tiny grain of salt/ a pinch of lemon juice? lol