Comments : Blindsided

  • 6 years ago

    by CJ Maleney

    Everyone relax I'm fine!

    I started writing this a while back when I had a bit of a health scare but I'm fine.

    It's sat half completed for ages and I still don't think it's complete as it bounces about more than a beach ball unattended on the beach.

    Anyway its as good as I can get it so floating it out there.



  • 6 years ago

    by Em

    Craig a very powerful piece and if my thoughts are correct this thing you speak of is a complete big itch (wouldn't allow swearing ooops) and none of us are safe from it because we all suffer even if it's just by knowing someone who is going through it.

    All the best
    Em x

    Edit: apologies I'm out of votes but hopefully someone else is as touched by this as I was and nominates

    • 6 years ago

      by CJ Maleney

      Bang on the nail Em, turned out to be nothing too serious but was a worry for a


      Ps I actually don't like this poem, it's why it sat in drafts for so long, normally things flow very easily for me, this one felt like work