Comments : Little Ghost Girl

  • 6 years ago

    by Em

    Your rhyming seems to have gotten better in your absence

  • 6 years ago

    by Mark

    Ah! Nams has taken on a harder rhyme structure. 2,4,6 rhyme in a six line (close to) stanza. abcbdb
    Four stanzas in total

    Little ghost girl is a really eye catching poem title. Can go in several directions. The first stanza it seems you actually see a ghost girl...however I wonder if you see a younger you. I'm not sure this poem answers that question...but poses the question subtly to the reader.... Sign of a great poem!

    You mention the last three weeks. As if an event occurred that caused you to see this ghost or image yourself. I wonder what caused this apparition. The line 'I no longer wish to play' does indicate this apparition is not desired. Almost feared.

    Second stanza reveals communication has been tried to this ghost. No answer. Wonder if this was a mirror what you were like when you were younger? Questioning the ghost does suggest an acceptance of its existence. Almost like your forced to face the lost little girl you once were. In many ways this is actually profound.

    Third stanza. Moves beyond acceptance to - how can I help this girl. Almost as though your wondering how can I free myself of this past when I was a lost little girl. Very moving.

    Last stanza consider 'none less' to 'nonetheless'. She is a burden upon you; this 'child's ghoul'. Powerful phrase. Last line 'and its out of my control' does suggest you belive you have no power over this...she is stuck with you.

    Very deep piece with consistent rhyming and great flow. I wonder (only to stop my curiosity) if you could indicate a little more if this girl is an image of a younger you. I'm anxious to know!!

    Great write Nams. Can't imagine why it didn't attract more comments..could it have been taken literary? Big hugs Nams :-)

    • 6 years ago

      by deeplydesturbed

      Marky mark.. please not this has other parts to it. Possibly try the poem before and after :)
      U may find those answers