
About deeplydesturbed

Among friends im known as the cat lady... I currently just have one. His name is Gizmo

I am now 34...

I currently live with my father . Have the greatest small knit group of friends whom i would do anything for.

I have this site to thank for some long life friends.. actually no, people i consider family..

Profile of deeplydesturbed

  • Age : 34
  • Gender : Female
  • Country : Australia
  • Joined : Apr 10, 2006
  • Last Visit : 11 months ago
  • Poems : 278
  • Comments : 1850
  • Quotes : 13
  • Posts : 775
  • Awards :

Latest Poems By deeplydesturbed

  • Twenty Twenty was meant to be my year.
    You know, the one where I worked it all out...

  • My Dearest Jinxy,
    The moment we met is forever etched in my mind...

  • Happiness is an emotion rare to find
    Especially deep inside such a dark soul...

  • Vegas (19) 10

    Vacation time has come
    Eating my way through...

  • Packing bags again
    ready to leave, all alone...

Latest Quotes By deeplydesturbed

  • When you make rash descisions and put it all on the line - be prepared for the heartbreak of losing it all..

    6 years ago
    5 0
  • Not a quote but needed to air

    I have a crush on M...

    The end

    6 years ago
    5 0
  • If someone says they are so impressed by the product they are going to wear it now, LOOK AWAY!

    6 years ago
    0 0

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