Comments : The Other Side of Me

  • 6 years ago

    by Em

    A very honest piece - you seem a lot like me going that extra mile for people who don't give a poop!!

  • 6 years ago

    by Milly Hayward

    An interesting and honest piece. I like to think that everyone is made up of many parts, some dark, some light, some funny, with different likes, dislikes and experiences that all make up the sum of one. I read a long time ago that we have a choice to either learn from our experiences and move on leaving them behind or to let the experiences affect us badly, to carry them with us weighing us down. You said that you are a canvas that hasn't been fully completed yet and that is a wonderful metaphor. I don't think that we ever complete our canvas until the last moment but we have free choice on the colours and shapes that we lay down in permanence. Perhaps the bad things are just lessons to be laid down in pencil and rubbed away once we have derived the lesson. Having empathy with others is a two edged sword on the one hand you are able to do good things and be a good person on the other it makes you more sensitive to others needs regardless of the type of person and if they are users then ultimately the only thing to do is remove them from your life and surround yourself instead with like minded people. Take good care best wishes Milly x