Comments : Don't Wanna Die

  • 5 years ago

    by Blank

    This had me in tears.
    You see so many fake people who care about people who are depressed or suicidal after a crisis, when really checking up on someone, even if you believe they are happy, you could save a life and not know it. Which is why it is crucial to ask someone if they are okay? But sometimes we ask the wrong questions. When people find we are down they only ask so they can be proud about fixing something. But we are not projects, we are people.
    Good write.

  • 5 years ago

    by Poet on the Piano

    Sending you so much support right now. I, too, wished during the darkest times, that someone would know me well enough to see past the "I'm fine" and the facade we put on.

    I hope you find some sort of relief and are around people who will take the time and appreciate vulnerability, and that you can find a little peace in every day. Sometimes, we survive without knowing how we keep going forward. But know you have friends and people rooting for you.

    Keep writing.