Comments : Ring a Ring Of Roses (spit and post)

  • 5 years ago

    by CJ Maleney

    I'm 46 years old. In my later years at secondary school I remember being shown videos (yeah videos because I am that old) of what could happen if a nuclear war were to happen.

    It was scarey!

    It was pretty bloody graphic too. So much so it even told you how to make a bunker and prepare for it. What the frog, (sorry wanted to say f×+k but i ain't allowed).

    30 or so years later we seem to be right back where we were.

    Honestly think we should let the kids take over the world's governments. They'll get stoned and decide who wins via a battle on xbox or a similar platform. Hug each other after then order pizza.

    Let's face it they couldn't do any worse!

  • 5 years ago

    by Ren

    Damn, Craig! A well written and fiery spit and post from you, good sir. It's interesting because my sister and I were just having a conversation about this tonight, and were making some of the same points. But I really love your idea of the kids taking over. Get stoned. Xbox. Hugs. Pizza. In that order. Freaking brilliant lol. Anyway, a great and thoughtful write, dude. I hear ya! Well done!

    • 5 years ago

      by CJ Maleney

      Glad you like my late night random ramblings lol
