Comments : Undressing

  • 6 years ago

    by Jamie

    Chills roll down my spine while reading this, I always love the attention to detail in your poems, but this is amazing. Every single line is about a battle with mental health and I loved how you detailed each stigma. Anxiety which in this poem almost feels like PTSD, leads to a flickering heart, kind of like you are describing a panic attack. The anxiety of memories and voices won't leave you alone, which describes anxiety perfectly st least case.

    The bones part is great because it seems as if every last negative word you have heard about yourself has chilled you to the bones and made you cry inside and out. And here there is a moment of hope that makes the reader thinking that you think you are stronger than you think. Today is not a day you will cry.

    You've battled thoughts of suicide it seems since you have started battling depression, I love the veins part for so many reasons because it reminds me of a self harmed, but in metaphor, you use the veins to tie them in a noose, but sometimes something pulls you back from jumping off the deep end with a rope around your neck. And it brings me back to the stronger than you think you are mention before, because to me you are saying you are pulling yourself back. What a great metaphor however.

    Depression is a permanent thing and unfortunately you cannot get a transplant or nothing can take it away easily or at all. I do like the anger mention because to me personally it ties into a lot of mental health issues, and letting it out is the only time you can breathe.

    Poetry is one of the only real ways that makes you feel better about your mental health and this is a line a lot of people can relate to.

    A lot of times mental health can make us regret how we feel, and we often say sorry a lot because of it, we want to be forgiven even though it is not our fault at all. I absolutely connected to this poem so much, and because of that I am going to nominate it because it deserves to be read.

  • 6 years ago

    by Scott Cole

    Great job awesome write very sad though

  • 6 years ago

    by Brenda

    Hannah, such a deep raw write. Thank you for sharing this personal piece. Hugs-

  • 6 years ago

    by Mr. Darcy

    Amazing. Every. Time.

  • 5 years ago

    by Milly Hayward

    Dark bit soul wrenching piece. Honest and raw that takes the reader into the darkness of depression. Milly x

  • 5 years ago

    by D.

    A really haunting but sweet write. Deep but not sentimental, and dark without being rich with hyperbole. I enjoyed the repetition, it really worked here.