Comments : Love Is The Most Wonderful Feeling In The World Poem (Couplet)

  • 4 years ago

    by Obscure

    I feel like this is more of a letter (prose) than a poem. I like the idea you present, but it doesn't feel like a poem to me. Enotes says (in response to the question "What makes a poem a poem?") "what makes a poem a poem is the ability to make the reader feel something." I've found that a good poem often provokes a strong emotion, memory, picture, or feeling. The problem is not that you do not make me feel anything, but the language you use and the way your poem is presented makes it hard to get the feeling you're trying to get across.
    I hope you don't think I'm rude for saying this, but I think you could break up the poem in a way that better helps the reader understand what you are saying. At the moment, your division causes a jarring feeling that doesn't match the words. For your piece, I think each line or couplet should be a complete thought. You might not want to start another thought without signaling that you're done with your previous thought. For example, right now, your first four lines look like this
    "Love is the most wonderful
    feeling in the world that

    I will cherish for the rest
    of my life you were very"

    It might be helpful if you instead broke up the poem a bit more like this:

    "Love is the most wonderful
    feeling in the world
    One I'll cherish for the rest
    of my life "

    I hope this was helpful and didn't seem rude. Thank you for sharing!

  • 4 years ago

    by Poet on the Piano

    Neat that you did a couplet, however, I feel it didn't showcase the strength and depth of emotions in this poem. I personally felt like you need more "showing", rather than "telling".

    Instead of mentioning how you cherish the feeling, why do you cherish this person who brought this incredible love into your life?

    The ending lines took me out of the poem because of the period after a thought that wasn't completed: "I always wonder if you love me too it doesn't. Matter".

    We know you feel this way, so try to build more visuals or specifics of this person, so the readers can perhaps feel something more tangible, or feel the personal details you add to make the poem more intimate, not just a case of saying that love is the greatest feeling. I felt that was a bit cliche hence expanding further as to why and how this person gave you hope. Bring the reader there.

    Simply my opinion, please keep writing!

  • 4 years ago

    by Abstract Poet

    I want to say sorry I normally add dots to my poems I must forget to add them I will fix my poem for sure.