Comments : napowrimo: God of Torment (day 16)

  • 4 years ago

    by Adastra

    in despite of the visual, a sort of primordial eldritch god that feasted off sacrifices came to mind while reading this, hanging people off of giant butchers' racks or picking them like trees? while morbid, it was enjoyable to read at the same time, and i liked this quote in particular:

    "we offer flesh, in an attempt
    to be spared, yet you nibble
    on the parts of us
    untouched by sin.
    tonight you wounded us

    and poetry was bled."

  • 4 years ago

    by Sunshine

    . angry. sharp. that's how it started

    and then a stream of poetry hit me hard. Especially these two lines

    *we still have breath in our lungs
    (i cannot say the same about our hearts),*

    This is bold.