Comments : Count

  • 1 year ago

    by BOB GALLO

    Your sadness sounds poetical, but thanks God not incurable. I like your stanzas.
    Why weed and milk?

    • 1 year ago

      by 31

      Thanks Bob,
      My sadness its louder, then quieter, at the moment it’s loud.
      It’s hard to describe my thinking but one way would be
      I was thinking of weeds that grow without love or nurture
      As many of us must do (in so there is strength)
      And how they are often looked down upon for it (as weeds)
      And how many of us who have love and are nurtured (milk) covet it
      And who are celebrated. (Ha I suppose the cream)

      There was something else I was getting at I can’t quite grasp.

      Thanks again.