Brushstrokes - Sonnet

by Walter   Jan 30, 2024

A moment when sunlight catches her eyes
Where she has me drawn with how they reflect
They are the same colour as the blue skies
It comes as no surprise why I connect

Her eyes captivating just with their light
I feel them glow when she's smiling at me
As with her warmth which I sense in the night
I don't need sun light for my heart to see

Painting my heart with her colours so deep
Just as a rainbow right after a storm
And with her eyes closed she's falling asleep
To dream in colour where they all still form

When even in darkness, there's no constraint
Love is not tainted, when it learns to paint


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  • 5 months ago

    by Abstract Poet

    I love this it's beautiful!

    • 5 months ago

      by Walter

      Thank you so much!