Comments : A better place

  • 19 years ago

    by ReBecca

    sweetie i feel you. the truth day you really are going to die, right now, it hurts so much, and it's all you want....i can promise, if you only hold on,,,,,life WILL get better, it doesn't seem so now, but trust me, it eventually hurts right now,,the people you loved did you wrong....i can't take that away, but i can tell you i care about your pain. keep your head up.

    by ReBecca

    To all the young children
    on this site.
    My heart hurts for you,
    and I sympathize with your plight.

    You are all so young,
    to have to go through this pain.
    You should have been nurtured and loved.
    Not have to live with abuse and disdain.

    I read your poetry,
    and I cant help my tears.
    To be so young and lost,
    in your tender years.

    Please keep fighting,
    and try to live another day.
    Soon you'll be older
    and your hurt and fears will be at bay.

    I have a 7 year old child
    and I love him best.
    If I could, I'd take you all,
    and hold you to my chest.

    I'd tell you that it'll all be okay.
    I'd console you and wipe away your tears.
    I cry for you all,
    my little dears.

    ReBecca Sanchez