Best Friends

by Rita   Oct 26, 2004

Theres never a day that I wake up
And think that I am supposed to be here
The reason I breathe is for you, girls
You are the only ones to comfort my fears

I don't care what people think
Because its you that I turn to and cry
I just hope that you understand
I would give you all that I have inside

Theres nothing that I don't like about you five
It's like you were sent from the skies
My five incredible angels
Without you, a part of me dies

Everyone knows that you can choose your friends
And i know that I've chosen mine well
I hope nothing will take you all away from me
But only time will tell

Every bad thing that has happened
We will get through together
Theres nothing like the bond of friendship
Because if its true, it goes on forever

No one could ever replace you
And sometimes I wonder why no one can see
The only time that im happy
Is when you girls are with me

For no one else sees the pain
And no one sees the tears
No one can see the bruises
They have all faded throughout the years

I would risk my life if it meant saving you
And I know that you would do the same
You are the ones who made me realize
Life isnt just an easy game

Photographs of imprinted memories
I'm glad that I share them with you
Theres nothing that I like better
Than you helping me start over new

But I guess the less that I see you
The more I become depressed
It's like my life is taking me away from you
And it's causing me great distress

I've pleaded and begged to see you
I hate always being apart
It seems like these depressed feelings
Are all I'm beginning to cart

I guess what I'm trying to say
Is that I need to be around all you
Theres nothing like being with "my girls"
And I need you to know that I love you

Copyright (C) Rita Bintz 2004


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  • 19 years ago

    by abigail

    hey rita i really love ur poem it fits me two best friends mean the world to me and i used ur poem for poetry cafe at school, dont worry i didnt say i wrote it i said rita did lol but i made my 2 best friends cry because it is soo sweet..keep up writing its really a wonderful thing