
by Lizzy   Oct 28, 2004

~When i walked into those doors and entered the room
~I sat on your couch and looked upon you.
~Tears started rolling down my face.
~I couldn't believe what i was seeing.
~I saw you laying on your couch not even able to move
~Seeing you with your eyes lids flipped back.not even able to look at me.
~mouth opened so wide that you couldn't even say a word to me.
~I remember someone said it was going to be alright.
~But i knew everything was not fine
~I couldnt bare what my eyes were seeing...
~My Mom said we had to go
~As i walked to him, kissed him on his cheek and whispered in his ear
~Grandpa I Love You so.
~As the night went by...My aunt dreamed he was saying goodbye.
~She woke up.
~Told my mom lets go check to see if hes alright.
~My mom walked into those doors once again, touched his face,
~He was cold as can be.
~My mom came home crying, and told me and my sister something has happend.
~I knew it was something bad.
~The words that came out of her mouth
~Grandpa passed away.
~I went to my room n streaded so many tears.
~I walked in that room.
~I saw him laying down dead as can be
~I walked up to his death bed, and place my picture to remember me.
~It hurt so bad, to place that picture of me.
~As I watched them place his casket into the ground, my heart was beating so fast that i couldn't breathe.

please comment and tell me what you
think....please..just take a few mins a read this, n tell me what ya think...thnx for ur time


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