by KaTiE   Nov 6, 2004

I didn\'t write this, a really good friend of mine did after i moved 6 hours away...hope you enjoy it

Two people are together, yet apart from another
It is autumn when the rain begins to fall
We march on, we live our lives and in our prayers and dreams
We’re together but don’t know it at all

But seasons change and time moves on
And I feel empty in my heart
Because even though you are so close
We are so apart

Autumn is dying, and we are both crying
We are closer now, but still in pain
We laugh, we cry, we fight, we win
But we sometimes feel it’s all in vain

I look through the door
Hoping it’s you
Hoping you’ve come to stay
But you are not there
The door is still dark
And in autumn I bury today

Maybe one day will be our today…..

Winter is coming with storms and with snow
Cold and wind that bites
But nothing compares to what we must do
All the challenges and the fights

No matter the weather, or how serene it may be
Winter is cold, very cold without you
And I feel so numb, so very dead
Every day I’m not with you

But winters cold will always die
And spring will come anew
Through the haze, through the pain
The sun is shining through

I look through the door
Hoping it’s you
Hoping you’ve come to stay
Your shadow is there
And I pretend it is you
And in winter I hope for today

Maybe one day will be our today…..

Spring is here, with all its young love
The birds and the bees in the air
With all other girls, with anyone but you
They simply can’t compare

As all of my friends
Go through girl after girl, I am thinking of you
As the high school craze runs it course
I still remain true

But spring is not perfect
And I hope things improve, as I am still missing you
As summer develops, blossoms, springs
I hope my waiting is through

I look through the door
Hoping it’s you
Hoping you’ve come to stay
It’s been so long
Since we could be near
And in spring I remember today

Maybe one day will be our today…..

Summer is here, with all of its joy
And I’m hoping that you will come too
With every day, I hope and I pray
That I’ll once again see you

The heat is no bother, when you are not here
And despite the sun, I’m feeling blue
I don’t need to eat, to drink, or sleep
As I’m living off of you

Summer is ending, I’m still alone
I beginning to think you’re not there
This breaks my heart, are you lost, are you gone?
Or maybe you don’t even care

I look through the door
Hoping it’s you
Hoping you’ve come to stay
And now you are there
We are together again
And in summer I love today

So, won’t you please make today our today?


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