Comments : Immature

  • 19 years ago

    by Bobby Brownlie

    GOOD JOB!!! i love the poem thats how my ex was immature. never trusted me and always thought i lied to her. but she found out that i was totally faithfull to her. so now me and her are kinda friends we only talk on the phone and that is once and a while. well GREAT JOB excellent poem babe
    love yas forever

  • 19 years ago

    by Molly Elizabeth

    it's good you and her can talk i guess... me and my ex talk too. He still has some growing up to do!! In time though he'll be a great guy for someone, that person will be very lucky cuz deep down i kno he's a great guy... It's too difficult to try and understand him though, and he can't make up his mind!! I guess ppl are like that sometimes.. I've realized im way too good for him, finally! lol I love your comments because they make me feel so much better about myself so thanks!! I'm glad you liked it!! I'll talk to you later!!
    love ya lots,