Only a Dream

by ShAtTeRrEdTeArZ   Nov 14, 2004

I'm walking alone through the woods, I hear the sounds around me, all I can see is darkness, black, consuming me, I am alone, I start to run, as I am running I forget who or where I am, I don't understand, eyes are on all sides of me, glowing like spheres in the pitch black darkness, I run faster, I trip and I fall, as I get up I forget where to go, I run and run but I get no where, I'm suddenly back where I started, I reach out my hand, but there is nothing, I reach the edge of the road and I am falling, I hit the ground and all I feel is pain, I find myself on a road filled with heartbreak and tears, I am still unsure of who I am, I turn the corner and you are there, I don't know who you are or where you came from but it feels so right, I reach for you, and then your gone, I am lost again. I remembered for a second but I forgot again, I find myself running but i don't know where my legs will take me now, I see shards of broken glass and people's dreams that have long been lost or forgotten, I see a bridge lying up ahead, I cross a stream with images of smiles and tears traveling together, I am more confused now than ever, I see twigs and leaves grabbing at me, I continue to run, I turn a corner and suddenly you are there again, I am hesitant, I reach out slowly and suddenly your hand touches mine, you pull me close and wipe away my tears promising to never let me go, You slowly lean in to kiss me and suddenly I awake to the sound of my alarm clock in a cold and frozen room, and I realize it was only a dream....


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  • 19 years ago

    by Lexi Lou

    awesome! 5! next time ya might want to space it out but truly fanominal! great work! i hate when you relieze its just a dream! keep in touch!