When you are beautiful

by don mohr   Dec 4, 2004

The world looks at you with high
expectations-hoping through you
that maybe there will be a chance
for them, to see the beauty that
is missing, in them;
They say it goes skin deep, and we
pretend that it does, but when the
skin falls off, and the bones get
exposed to the cold wind, we
Outside of this shelter we call a
home, our body survives to keep
the skin from getting old, and to
keep our bones from the cold;
The beauty is within, and each and
every chance you win, that is if you
seek there first, and never give in,
to someone elses thirst;
Strength is a thousand stars that
shine forever, and a sun that
brings forth life, also, forever-
To each his or her own, don't deny
the gift we have, life, and without
it, we don't have ever.
History has many gaps, and in
these gaps, perhaps the answers
we seek are us, our heritage, the
reason why beautiful people don't
fight naked, and why it is the
smart choices we make, to be
here, tomorrow, and the next-
If we let science undiscover the
beauty first, the art of living now
becomes their decisions, and we
vote for freedom, but where do
beautiful people end up?
Maybe there are no more beautiful
people left, and we have become
meeker, and a little bit nicer-
And the world is now full of them.



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