RIP Mama

by Rachael   Jan 13, 2005

When i got the call
i heard the voice that said your gone
The life support turned off, you went with it.
I guess you couldn't hold on to this bitter place
Life was always to much for you
running away from the pressures
running fast into a world
filled with false satisfaction

i always thought some day you´d stop
catch your breathe
but you ran to fast
filled your head with dizzy games
losing all grips with reality

i knew you were ill
seeing you in your room
i couldn't bare your struggle
fighting for every breathe
Reality was always to much for you
there in your bed, you sat

wishing you had just one last breathe
you could´ntight
so you begun to rest
only living in your head

you had no where to run, but gone
so you left
to a place unclear
to those here
so there you are
a place no where close to reality

RIP mama
there is a moment that goes by i dondon'tink of you, and wish you were here. I loved you then, i love you now, i´ll love you forever.


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