Step into my Shoes

by livefreebright   Jan 19, 2005

I hope you cry at night
The way I once cried for you
I hope you miss me someday
The way that I still miss you

In just one moment
I want you to feel
All the pain you caused me
Letting me think your love was real

Want you to loose it when
You remember those times
And know they will never come back
So you resort to these rhymes

I want to see you cry
Uncontrollably on the floor
In the same way that I did
When I couldn’t take anymore

Your life won’t make sense
And you’ll always have that wish
Of maybe being loved someday
And getting back that kiss

Step into my shoes
And see you as I do
Feel all the of emotions
That I still feel for you

It’s crazy isn’t it
Maybe now you can understand
I am trying to let you go
But my body can’t seem to stand

It still craves you
In the way it did before
I never can get enough
My greedy heart needs more

If I can’t forget
Maybe I’m not meant to
Can’t think of my past
Without the memories of you

Maybe it’s really love
Even though I hope it’s not
If I tell myself that it’s true
It would take all that I got

It would be harder to know
That my feelings are real
For now I’ll keep lying to myself
Do you see how confused I feel?


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