I miss those times...

by {Ms. Felicia}   Jan 31, 2005

As you read to me
The poems that you wrote
A thought came to mind
He’s always helped me cope

With open arm
There he always stood
In the morning light
In the evening moon

The smiles he smiled
Shined so bright
Full of love and happiness
Oh, how I miss that time

Hands always so warm
Held me close by
Covered me from the storm
My shelter for life

And when we snook out
Crammed 6 in the car
Even though you could not feel your legs
You laughed and we had fun

The sweet kisses you game me
When school got out
When you always held my hand
So everyone new we were going out

I don’t know what happened
Why it ended when it did
If the only mistake I made in life
Was the mistake of letting you go

You left with a tear
That tear continues to fall
Open arms now closed
We both found a new love

I did not want it to end forever
You’re the greatest friend iv had
We went through a lot
And continue to grow

Even though your not holding me
I know im still im your heart
Are new days are beginning
I just miss the old days
And I wish we didn’t part


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