New me

by little girl all alone   Feb 6, 2005

People start rumors
which aren't exactly true
so as a result
I'm getting rid of the me you once knew

I'll turn into that skank
or maybe that wh@re
maybe then
my life won't be such a bore

I'll wear revealing clothes
and twice the make-up
how does that sound Erin
now who's the brainless suck-up

no one can call me
that little baby girl
because now I'm exploring
that new world

I'll get a new enemy
like everyday
I'll leave boys speechless
hey for once you'll have nothing to say

I'll make the rumors
you started become reality
and not just
a little fantasy

I'll make my family
and friends scream
but then I'll want to wake up
and hope it's all a dream


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