Back in the woods

by Brittany   Feb 22, 2005

The woods were where they sat
and had their first kiss
the woods were where they talked
and then they met there for this

he brought her down and deep
through trees and bushes galore
he talked to her and said
how this couldn't go on anymore

she tried to run away
but he pinned her down to a tree
he wouldn't let her go
he loved to see her grieve

he loved the way she cried
he loved seeing her in pain
she got free and ran down the street
and down her best friends lane

she ran up to her door
screaming for assistance
her mom said she wasn't home
she was away, at a far distance

so then she left to go home
she knew she'd be fine there
but once she got inside
she saw something she couldn't bear

he was standing in her room
with the sharpest of all knives
he wanted to take her away
take away her life

he already stole her heart
now there's no where to turn
she finds gasoline under her feet
he throws down a match to see her burn

but thank god she jumped away
and ran outta the room
he yelled, running after her
stabbing her with a broom

then he cornered her once more
and put the knife against her
then he slit her throbbing throat
and her life all became a blur.


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