Lock Away

by Anita   Mar 16, 2005

Should I give up on
You and put all the feeling I have away, I
Tell you some what how
I feel but you don’t believe
Me, you say you feel the
Same but if you really did
Then things would not be
How they are. I don’t want
To let the love I have for you
Go but how can I go on like
This, I love you so much but
You do not love me back. Everyone
Is telling me to give up on you
But I don’t want to, I just
Don’t want to wait for you
To know how you feel, for
It to turn out bad. But I guess that is the price
You pay for love. Tell
Me this should I put
All the feelings I have
For you away or should
I hold on to the love
I have for you because
In my heart I see us
Together. But do you, I
Know what I want
But what about you.

It would mean i alot is you would tell me what you think about this poem. thank you


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