Through this

by coral   Mar 24, 2005

It feels good to tell someone you care It feels great to show someone your there.All she needed was a hug....

To show her that your friends
I tell her to don't worry what
he says or does. She stops and cries i look at her with a gaze and i said I'm sorry for every bad day.

Today was suckie but i learned she can have a nice side...
her feelings she is wild and strong
her face she doesn't hide.

She is a great friend but
I cant put he through this..

< to Paulette
3/20/05 be strong girl! I'm sorry


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  • 19 years ago

    by coral

    omg im sorry for making you cry your compliments are making me water im really orry for everything and i will do anyhting to connect with you to tell you that i care and you know i do and about 1000 other people do to w/e happens this isnt about are hard times together as "friends" but this is about our friendship without tears or sorrow...
    love ya too,

  • 19 years ago

    by NoPatience

    i wanted to say thank you so much. even thru all of what we have been thru... ur still the only 1 who really understands how i feel. and i can tell that u care. bc its not like everyone does. well thanks alot. and please dont be sorry. wow, u made me cry. well thanks alot n im sorry.
    love ya girl,