Comments : To Corey

  • 19 years ago

    by Just Sierra

    hehehe, I hope she will!! Thanks! I know its soo sad!! I've finished it!! I hope you like it!! Please read it cuz it really made me cry!!! Thanks again Mel!! :-D!!!!!

  • 19 years ago

    by Just Sierra

    lol-I don't think you understand, that person AngelsNana, she was talking to me. Thats my Nana, my grandma. She's the person I've written poems about and said I'm sorry of my *issue* because of my Nana. She's the only one I have!! She's hates me now, even though I did nothing!!!!

  • 19 years ago

    by Just Sierra

    All this frustration has made me tired and sick. I'm going to go to bed after I have a nice long cry in the corner of my room, lol. Love you lots Mel!! Talk to you Tomorrow,

  • 19 years ago

    by Carlee Ann

    Fantistico, mon amie! Short but very sweet! Great one!

  • 19 years ago

    by The Flame Within

    wow this really is a great poem. im so happy you have a friend like that. i hope i find on soon. not sure how much longer i can last haha. but keep up this awsome work ok. your a freakin awosme great writer i think you so rock. keep it up. Much Love


  • 19 years ago

    by themeuneverseen

    WOW great poem hun! I feel the same way about my best friend, Ashleigh! She is alwayz there for me no matter what! I think i'll write a poem about her! Thanks for the inspiration!
    Love alwayz.....

  • 19 years ago

    by The Flame Within

    hey thanx fo the support. i always depend on friends. and if they fail me then o well. i will still consider them friends. thanx. fo real everytime you mention you cutting my heart hurts like all kinds fo real. i really do feel that pain. i have wats called the gift of love. im catholic so ya. that explains a lot of me lol. like when pple cry when it rains, i cry when other pple are hurt. i am very passionate for others. that means you to. and i dont care if my friends end up leaving me. what dont kill me makes me stronger. thanx for the support you mean so much to me aite. but the sad part is that i think of you as my very best friend, and this is over the net. i have told you more then alot of the pple i talk with at school, more the what i tell my brother and sisters. thank you so much. there is always a place for you in my heart aite. i luv u lots. never forget that.

  • 18 years ago

    by In_Your_Eyes

    Very sweet!