Visions of You and Me

by ~DyingBlackRose~   Mar 29, 2005

I can picture you and I together
But do you realize the pain I have?
When I remember that you don't care
And never will.

I see us entwined together
Holding each other
And talking about everything
And never stopping.

But then someone else appears
And starts trying to get me back
And trying to convince you
That I'm not worth the pain and trouble.

Then someone new comes in view
And I look deep inside his eyes
And see my future and my life
But does he see the same in mine?

I see him take me away from the fight
Hold me close
And tell me that everything is going to be okay
And then he kisses me.

He tells me how wonderful I am
And how I'm worth everything
Pain, depression, everything
And then he smiles.

He lets me know he cares
And that he loves me more then anything in the world
And that he's never going to let me go
And I'm the best thing in his life.

Visions of you and me are sweet.

*please vote and comment it would mean a lot. thanks*


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  • 19 years ago

    by ├Truely_Spoken┤

    Great poem, plz, if you could, check out my new poem "Dear Diary". Plz rate and comment it, plz, i would really appreciate it it. I want people to understand the message I am trying to get through.