He's Here In Me

by Jodie-Lea   Mar 29, 2005

This is the feelings of a friends that i put into a poem

She could have any man she wants
But she chooses him
Says he loves her but never shows it
She can never win
He breaks her heart
Time after time
The way he treats her
Puts tingles down my spine
I hate to see her like that
I hate to see her hurt
She rings me up crying
Cos he's out having a flirt
Why does he get her
When she means the world to me
She doesn't have to put up with this
I wish i could make her see
That i would do anything for her
I'd show her that i care
Tell her how much she means to me
And never lie to her i swear
I hope one day she'll realise
I hope one day she'll see
That the guy she's looking for
Is right here in me


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  • 19 years ago

    by ├Truely_Spoken┤

    Great poem, plz, if you could, check out my new poem "Dear Diary". Plz rate and comment it, plz, i would really appreciate it it. I want people to understand the message I am trying to get through.