I Send

by *pOiSoNgIrL*   Apr 14, 2005

It's getting late, the clock is ticking
And again I lay, the tear drops streaming
I tell myself that it will all be okay
If only I truly believed it could be
I feel lost inside, a part of me is gone
Hurting myself just trying to be strong
They all tell me that I will make it through
But I honestly think that I must need you
I've tried incredibly hard to just be sane
But deep down, all I feel is completely insane
Thoughts of hurting myself are always around
One more thought, and my knees hit the ground
The struggle inside is almost to it's end
I don't think that my heart will ever mend
Hurt one too many times, I cry myself to sleep
Dreaming the memories, of us that I keep
I'm slowly falling apart, tearing at the seams
Can somebody help me, shield me from my screams
Take this knife away, hold me in your arms
The look in your eyes, the feel of your arms
I need you so bad, althought I wish it weren't true
I'm just not living a life without you
It hurts me so much to see that you don't miss me
And because of that, we could never again be
I want more than anything to be with you today
I wanna hear those three words, to hear you say
That you miss me so, and we can be together
I want to see my clouds part to reveal sunny weather
I know it won't be, and all I can do is wish
Wish for just one more tender, loving kiss
But another night I sit on my bed and cry
It just won't go away, if only I knew why
I have no choice, but to push it all inside
I need to be strong, so these tears I hide
Hiding from me, hiding from you
Hiding from hoping you could want me too
So now it's time, to put this all to an end
So to you dear, my eternal love I send


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  • 19 years ago

    by Tammi

    very good and I know how u feel in this poem keep up the good work

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