Should She...?

by Molly   Apr 14, 2005

She watches him turn and walk away,
Frantically thinking of something to say.
Should she bring up the year they spent together,
Or how she wanted to be together forever?
Should she bring up the memories they share,
And how he helped her in her moments of despair?
Should she bring up the times when held her as she cried,
Or that summer they had to say good-bye?
Should she bring up the time where he held her under the moonlight,
Or the time they had their first fight?
Should she bring up the time when she accidentally gave him a bloody lip,
And how he used to hold her around her hip?
Should she bring up the Valentine's Day when he gave her a stuffed bear,
And how she would miss his loving stare.
Thats when she realized what she must do,
She took in a breath and screamed " I love you".
He turned around and ran to her and gave her a kiss,
And they knew forever they would be like this.
She looked at him and in his eye saw a tear,
And thats when he said "Thats exactly what I wanted to hear.



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  • 18 years ago

    by BECCA lessTHANthree

    OH MY GOSH.. this is soo good.. i love it .. and that what ive been waiting to hear from my ex.. lol

  • 18 years ago

    by .

    OMG thats soo sweet! i love it! 5/5
    P.S. Thanks for the comment on my poem!

  • 19 years ago

    by Molly

    omg gina....ur gonna make me cry...i love ya so much!...ur like the bestest friend i've ever had...we'll be friends forever even tho the school year is comin to an end...i promise...hugs&kisses Moll-Moll

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