I Told You So

by CRZY4ONE08   Apr 16, 2005

Slipping, stumbling, stalling
It all ends the same way
Regardless of how I get there;
My grip is failing me
Trembling fingers can do but little
Except feebly attempt to grasp
What little remains of my life,
And let it all slip between the cracks.
Fighting for each breath gets harder
As my throat closes in -- crushed.
My legs thrash, kick, flail against the air.
My body jerks violently as each
Spasm escalates and streaks through my body
Tears stream down my eyes, clouding
My vision; as if I could see straight anyways.
My strength is waning; my resolve, weakening.
Remember me as I was, not
What I have become.
Please don’t question my choices
Without contemplating my situation.
How can you begin to understand me
When I cannot comprehend myself?
You can forget me now, as I become
A number and fade into depressing obscurity.
My eyes bulge and close,
Letting go of more than just a rope.
My lungs are burning beyond comparison
As the rest of my pain fades into the shadows
We all have to die sometime.
It’s just that my time has come sooner than yours.
I told you living and breathing is overrated.
The darkness has already taken hold of me.
My grip is lost.


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  • 19 years ago

    by Georgi

    wow i liked it! woot woot 4 u!!!!! :D

    pls check out "so much pain" if u have time :)
