You can get through this...

by notquiteright   Apr 25, 2005

Hey girl no worries you alright..

Your mans gone now but this is the end of this long fight...

I know its hard but you deserve better,...

I've got your back..

When you need to talk I'm here..

Don't worry you've got nothing to fear..

For ill catch every tear,

After wards I'll replace it with a smile

This pain will soon end after awhile..

Love shouldn't be tears and fights..

This isn't your fault,.. don't even think so,..

Your beautiful you know?

All good things must come to an end,...

When this happens ill be there to help your heart mend..

Just know what he did wasn't right..

You had no reason to surrender to all his fights..

You shouldn't of believed his lies..

His lies brought so many cries...

But now thats over and you can get through this...


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