Comments : Me Vs. The Razor Blade

  • 18 years ago

    by ~*Ley*~

    hmm..not your best a few words didnt fit like "anyway my life...." just cut out the anyway and its great. then a few words are spelt wrong, to the point where im not sure what you mean. if you fixed that it would be a good poem. 4/5. altnough the title doesnt really match. its more of Me and My Razor Blade. Me vs. The Razor Blade suggests and interesting fight:P instead the reader gets and interesting demise. still good, but the title could help it more.

  • 18 years ago

    by Leah20

    This poem felt very cliche to me and contained no rhyme of which I haven't heard a thousand times before. Push yourself to break from the norm of teenage angst poetry and focus on the world around you, from the trees to thunderstorms to the people you see. If you're driving in the car and see some peculiar person, think of a story behind their life, put it into poetry and continue to grow. Still write poems such as this to let out pent up emotion, but also broaden your horizons. Keep writing!

  • 18 years ago

    by Brookeღ

    Wow that was sad I think it brought a tear to my eye. Very touching poem! Another good poem from you! Take Care! Brooke~