With out a Heart

by livingwith   May 1, 2005

WE are alike you and I ,
Blood flows through our veins,
A heart beats in our chest,
But you are white and I am not,

But it’s not what’s outside that counts,
From what I have heard it’s what’s inside,
SO… I ask,
If your insides were to come out,
is your blood red like mine,
Are you dark inside,
Does your heart beat with the same rhythm,

WE are alike you and I,
You like to sing and so do I,
You sound sweet from time to time,
But for you its only lies,
You ripe and tear, shred and kill,Hopes, dreams, love and trust, you deceitful little bastard I hate your guts,

my eyes did deceive, For what I saw was sweet and kind,
But that was before I saw the worm inside,
Disgusting and cold, with a sweet outer shell

You and I have much in common but I am proud to say, You are some thing I am not,
I would be there for my friends, and never once have I turned my back to them.
I never lye to the ones I love,
to do so would be ripping my own heart out.
But I wonder...
Do you have a heart?
I ask because you act with out,
From you I learned that love can be just a word
That not every one is good, trust worthy, or honest,
You, I let into my heart, as a friend I trusted you from the start
Once you wear inside, my light went dim, the darkness consuming me from with in
I, once happy, walked my days a shadow of my self
Every time I saw you, you stole what happiness I had,
In return replaced it with anger, sadness, and a longing for a friend.

I have always been one to value life, but because of you I wanted to die.
Nothing seemed to matter, so I thought to my self, at the dead of night, I thought, I already had 4 pills, so what’s 9, what did it matter, nothing seemed to make me happy, all because of you.

You never notice the harm you did, how I barely held to my self, but I was strong and after we wear dun, I was to never let you in again.

I am my self again, and hope to god you suffer, may your heart be ripped out bleeding at your feet, may it be crushed and shattered
I hope that you live a long, long life, may your happy days come and quickly fade way
May your dreams fade in smoke may every last friend leaves you in lie,
May you live in darkness, the shadows your friend, may sleep be your only rescue till it starts again.
I hope you live like I once did, before I realized just what you are . . . the one thing in my life that I regret,
the mistake I should have never taken,
We may be alike but we will never be the same, I hope that one day, you will see the light and see what darkness you spread with your lies.

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