Happy Again

by Emma Carnage   May 4, 2005

I haven't smiled this much
Since I can't even remember when
But when you called me
To say you were out
I was so close to being ecstatic
I was almost bouncing off the walls
Because you're finally out
And now things can get better

I can't stop smiling
Just because I heard your voice
For the first time in a week
And I know I'll be seeing you
In an hour and one half
But I couldn't tell you that
Because it's a secret
And I just can't wait
Until I can see you again

I'm so happy right now
But even in my happiness
A tear still escapes my eye
I don't know why though
It's not because I'm sad
It's not because I'm hurt
So why am I crying?
I must be just so happy
That I can't help but cry
Just to get out my emotions

I don't want them out though
I want to feel this forever
And keep it with me
Because if I keep it inside
Then maybe I can use it later
When I'm feeling depressed
But it won't stay in
It's streaming down my face
That's okay though
I don't mind crying now
Because this time it's out of joy

Just a little longer now
And I'll be able to see you again
I've waited a week
So I can make it through this
I'm so impatient now
Because I know that you're out
But I'll just have to wait
Just a little bit longer
How long has it been?


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