Sage your an idiot!

by David   May 8, 2005

Leave me alone
I don't want your s h i t
It's not like i care
Your going to get hit

If you keep this up your leaving
Not my mind but earth
You will regret
The day of your birth

Today i read what you put
And you are a disgrace
If you talk to me again
I will rearrange your face

This is not a threat
You will be permenantly dissed
forever and always
p r o m i s e d!

This is not a lie
All the things you say and do
But my thoughts and worries
Are completely through

You can love who you love
And hate who you hate
But i dont care anymore
W..T..F.. Mate?

You can go die
I do not care
You always complain
How your life is unfair

You are not in love
Your a silly little boy
You are a stalker
Go play with your toys...

If you haven't noticed
Your a piece of s h i t
You do not love Megan
You don't understand what love is

Tomorrow you will read this
Or i am hoping so
Because the one your "in love" with
No... you dont even know

You say you know what love is
But your a complete
You wont stop complaining
"Waah my life is so hard"

The only thing gone wrong
Is that megan loves me
So go die
And let me be!


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