Mists of Twilight

by Elizabeth Ann   May 15, 2005

Born of Fire…

I create this world of darkness, glaring at my kin from as low as I sin…
Daggers repeal my eyes whilst their glint skins my greater vision…and my image as I murder becomes intrusive.

This valley I evade where there my heart dins, as I will always chase their pleas. And the midnight’s savoir I must be, where come at dawn as something worse is said of me. This exoskeleton and something fading, and there the mists of twilight encase me, startling my ageless torpor.

Where the sun agrees with warmth and our blessed moon our nocturnal boon, comes a different phase I honor…and in our prayers we share though cannot see our likeness angels, a mean power exists to keep us separate from my predator…raising me from Earth’s tyranny.

Born of its revelation, leery of my exit, I escape as the only one…told of the sky from whence she breathes her new force…. Another dissipation of her crust, and as we all worship the external revenues of creation, the infernal justifies its neglected wrath…too long ignored as I become her last chance…

Even as watchful her mantle made me, so was her desire vengeance interred in my blood. Raised from her birth incandescent, my eyes of igneous glass plumed…these feelings of aggression heating my stone skin. I cooled in a dusky cover with glossy eyes of obsidian, and over my foreign shoulder swept my quartz mane too heavy for the wind.

I stood ever watchful of my course, delineating my beginning as disorientation passed. I felt her tremor and I knew it was my mother whom embraced me. Encouraged, I felt myself smile…and wrapped in the core of which I stood, I walked from the mountain of my birth on new legs.

Unto the world I ventured, covering as human where over the centuries I had not been. I walked the roads and various grounds afore I’d tasted, and I was molten last I’d been in this world I now kissed.

And every day her song was greater, gliding as she caressed my graceful veins she spun me…luring me into this villain. And soon these crystals severed my empathy to where I fulfilled her purpose…. Destroying my fathers and those who named me…thinking me merely one of their own as I had given into their short-sight.

And now they’re gone, as am I without them and thus alone…unaffected by the crying tremors by what she’d done.


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