You can do this...(to lindsay)

by krystal   May 24, 2005

Please stay strong
its gonna be OK
what happened to you is just all wrong
your not going any were you have to stay

that stupid jerk hit you
then he tried getting away
but thank god for the nice guy who knew what to do
he wedged him there so he couldn't get away

that guy was lucky i wasn't there that day
i would have dragged him out of his car
and really made him pay
cause hes leaving you with to big of a scar

keep fighting sweetie
were all here for you
the only reason you hurt is because of that stupid speedy
please just get well soon

please don't loose hope
please just hang on
you can win this fight
its all gonna be OK

don't worry hunny its gonna be OK
were all praying for you hunny
every minute of the day

please vote and or comment this poem means so much to me!!!!
~my friend got hit by a car yesterday she broke her shoulder 4 ribs her leg she broke her spine in 3 different places fractured her scull 4 times and her lungs collapsed and filled with blood~


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Latest Comments

  • 19 years ago

    by krystal

    lol i no me 2 it reall sucks but im going to visir her after school and this weekend

  • 19 years ago

    by krystal

    lol i no me 2 it reall sucks but im going to visir her after school and this weekend