Last Minute Man

by ♥Munchkin♥   May 26, 2005

Sitting in my room,
Wondering about you,
What you're up to,
Where you will be,
Will you be sitting somewhere,
Thinking of me?
Looking at our picture,
We're perfect together... right?
I just wish I could be holding you tight,
Will tonight be the night I see you?
Or will I be made to wait another week?
Lying in bed,
I can't sleep,
Thoughts into my mind,
They start to creep,
Again you're in my head,
I doubt you ever left,
Why have I not heard from you?
Are you okay or just busy?
Calming myself down,
Attempting to sway my thoughts,
I can't sleep from all the noise,
I need to hear from you somehow,
To know that you're safe and well,
Worrying about you constantly,
Because you seem to lack contact,
Please stop leaving things last minute,
Stop changing the plans you make,
All I ask is one day a week,
If that's too hard I'm sorry to request,
At least give me some notice,
So my hopes aren't always destroyed,
I just need some kind of warning,
Whether the plans we make are void.


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