Getting away with murder

by MariiaShan   May 28, 2005

She lay quietly in her bed hoping her dad is not to come
all of a sudden the door slams open
in the sudden darkness of the night
you see him lift a dagger
and in it goes into her Innocent body
she lay there in a pool of her own
he lay there covered in it he then
realizes what he had done so he quickly moved her body into the
tub looks for gasoline and pours it
onto the sheets brings her outside
to an abandoned house and burns
her remains.
He got away with murder but what shall happen to her -an innocent teen woman killed and set fire who should help her now?


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  • Really dark and twisted.... i like that !
    I do prefer dark poems, i don't know why !!
    Nicely written, nice idea. Well done !!
    Thanks for your comment on my poem, i really appreciate it.

    xxx cici xxx

  • 18 years ago

    by Sparklylipgloss

    not to specfic....but interesting set ^! comment on some of mine please!