17 and pregnant

by Maria   Jun 9, 2005

5 Months pregnant
and 17 years old
I gotta be a mommy now,
no more fun for me.

The long night walks, the
late night chats, are now
going to be feeding and diaper

Working on Go-karts
and riding little bikes
that's all out of my picture
Because I'm pregnant with fright.

I'm only a teenager, I hope
all the Teenagers out there
will learn from this...
Wait until you're married,
enjoy life as a kid.

Because now my teen-aged
years are geared to mothering
my child. My life as a child is now over
and the fun hasn't even begun.


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  • 18 years ago

    by Kari

    heyy...i like ur poem but u said ur fun is over...ur old fun is over..but u have a GREAT new fun just about to begin..u jus gotta be positive...much love..

  • 18 years ago

    by samantha

    well i'm 27 weeks pregnant and pregnant too... yes i if people say should they wait i say yes yes yes but i have much support. i hope you are doing well with your baby.

  • 18 years ago

    by Maria

    I'll be 18 when I have my baby boy. And I already love him!

  • 19 years ago

    by Lynda

    I hope you take very good care of that bundle of joy. My friend just had a baby at 18, and she has never been happier than when she had her. I love her little baby, and I hope you will love yours as much as I know she loves hers. Take care, your in my prayers!! and good poem!!

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