A Simple Love Story (not a poem)

by Jessica K   Jun 21, 2005

I loved so many things about him, he was my whole world and more. We were like the perfect couple in more then just some ways. I loved him with every bit of my heart, I never wanted to let go, and after reading why you'd really get my point.
You see, i was sick for about a week and a half to two weeks. I suffered severe migraines and doctors gave me pills i was allergic to and then after getting better pills I started to feel better so I thought. I remember we had plans that Friday to see the longest yard, i had already seen it but he was away that weekend and i promised i would go see it with him as soon as he got back, so we were going to leave but then all of a sudden i felt deadly sick. My heart beating faster, my head swirling, almost fainting(of course i didn't tell him how sick i was feeling) i couldn't go to the movies that night with him and i felt incredible bad. I called him up crying a little and told him that i was sick. It some ways i felt so stupid crying over something so pointless but i still did. He was on the other end of the phone, and started to laugh a little at me. All he said was .. your sick, its only a movie, we'll see it some other time.. i just want you to get better. And, as stupid as I am, I started crying again because i still felt so bad. I told my mom i wasn't going out that night, told her i was sick so she got my medicine and everything and told me to relax.And of course, i felt bad for saying i was sick again and started crying. I was still on the phone with him but i think someone was on the other line so he said he would call me back in like 10 minutes which was OK .. i could take my medicine and everything. He called me back like 5 minutes later, i think he might've kicked his mom off the phone but I'm to sure. My medicine made me really, really sleepy .. so for a while i was still OK, we were talking and he was being like so sweet to me.. like always. I was getting really tired, but i was home alone so like I had no one to be around i only had him to talk to. I was practically sleeping while i was talking to him, but he still stayed on with me. I seriously think we talked that night for like 4 hours... sometimes i was listening to him talk about me or football and sometimes he was listening to me talk about absolutely nothing .. i think for most of the time i was saying "I love you" or "U deserve so much better then me" .. I'm only fourteen. . . and some people may think shes too young to know what love is .. but by going out with the best thing that ever happened to me, I know what love is and what love should be..


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  • 18 years ago

    by Jessica K

    i hate u for reading this .. just to let you know! but ur still my friend! thanks for the comment kodi!
    Keep reading .. Jess xox

  • 18 years ago

    by kodi

    hey jessie

    im sorry if u didnt want me too read this but i did and its really cute and like i really like it and i remember that night dont worry its really cute and now ur pisssed because i read it well if it means any thing to u i acutally had tears in my eyes when i was reading this and this is one of my fav out of every thing !!! so leave this one please xo
