When it's over

by katie ( Milo 1)   Jul 4, 2005

When it's over your heart begins to sink deeper and deeper into your soul.
when it's over your hands begin to sweat and your throat closes up.
when it's over your life begins to stop. we all know that time is meant to heal and life still carries on, but in your mind and heart it's a pause because it's over.

days and nights still carry on, hours and minutes still carry on, but your feelings stay the same. Your mind and body is like a clock when the battery's run out, it just stops. your heart still beats the same beat, but this time the tune your partner once gave doesn't tune any more.

when it's over you catch your self staring at the things he does, the things he says. you catch your self thinking what went right and what went wrong. how do you stay friends with the one you love when it's all over? how do you still hold and touch and laugh with the one you love when it's all over.

how do you carry on when it's over. how do you tell him you love him when he's not yours. how do you try and make him believe you his when it's all over? how do you try and work things out as friends when you want something more?
how do you try and be strong when inside you burning with pain. how do you try and fake it when you dying with hurt. how do you do this when it's all over.

when it's all over how do you look into the eyes of your life and know the person staring back at you is not yours any more.

how do you do this when it's all over?

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