Comments : We Can Make It, Together

  • 18 years ago

    by JustAFoolInLove

    car... you said you wouldnt be able to carry on without me. you've been without me, essentially, for the past week or so... i keep making you hurt, i keep making you hate me, and even if you do forgive me... i dont want to cause you pain. if you CAN go without putting up with my shit... i dont know, car. i just want to stop all the negativity

  • 18 years ago

    by Angie

    A good strong true friendship will survive the worst of times. True friends will suffer through each others pain, someone is always bound to get hurt, but with love and understanding you can make that friendship last forever. Hang in there, the two of you, you can make it work..... a very touching and heartfelt write.

    Smiles, Hugs and Love, Angela

  • 18 years ago

    by Just Sierra

    Car, Zac, listen to me because this is really important. You're friends, if you haven't noticed, not enemies! You're not built to fight each other, you're both destroying yourselves fighting over....what? nothing? Pain doesn't go away, it's everywhere, in every friendship, but that's what makes it stronger, when that friend can help you through it. Zac has been there for you for....God I don't long, and it's likewise too.. Your friendship should be endless, and I'd hate to see you two blowing your brains out over each other. You're both sorry, hell!! I'm even sorry...i don't know what for, but I'm sorry. Maybe because it makes me so sad to see two people I love to death bickering like this with talk of an end to the isn't right.

    I love you, Car..nice poem, really beautiful, and sad all the same...didn't you even put it under sad....or no wait..its under miscellaneous, I remember, lol.


    __Meatball Hoagie#2__

  • 18 years ago

    by courtney

    omg... u guys gotta go on. if you dont then there's no hope for the rest of us... but both of you need to be alright with that. i know its hard but i also know what its like to loose a best friend(i've lost a lot!!! it sucks!!!) i hope you both are okay... just FYI my e-mail is no longer working so if you need me comment on here or myspace. hope u guys are okay. much love!!!

  • 18 years ago

    by none

    I still havent the slightest clue to whats happening...but I sincerely love and care about you both so much. If you could both read my new poem i would apprieceate it tons! and for now heres a quote... ~life isn't is just fairer then death thats all~ take care now ok!