
by wayne t   Jul 20, 2005

Deep in the ancient forest where fairies and warlocks reside,
Where light is an illusion trickling through, is it in your mind,
Dark earth smelling of blood and death from the horrors of love,
A fitting place for a broken and empty shell of a man such as I,

Little fairies always floating about like fantasies in a tortured mind,
Laying prone on the cool damp earth, a sense of emptiness is here,
For reasons I can describe, I feel at home here surly to die here alone,
My spirit is broken, my soul laid to rest, heart is torn into by love lost,

Bound by honor to fulfill my commitment to my chosen partner of life,
Evil thoughts were planted inside a mind that once thought only of me,
Now eyes that viewed me with passion now descend upon me with hate,
A vile and ugly excuse for a man now being tossed out as refuse of love,

Bitterness overwhelmed my mind, believing in what was said as being true,
Searching my soul and viewing myself in a mirror, a vision I already knew,
The mere sight of me would scare anyone away, a foregone conclusion,
Loneliness is not an option, but my only defense to protect my sanity,

The fairies continuously float about are never-ending reminders of the past,
Little orbs of passion, sensuality, erotic dreams of long forgotten moments,
How can someone as reviled as I ever regain the senses of being loved again,
So to slowly rot in this earth is a most deserving sentence that I must accept,

A witch and a warlock would be a last envisioned effort to save my tortured soul,
To bring forth a new beginning to rise from the forest floor a new man or a beast,
Rekindle the flames of desire in me, a passionate reminder that in I'm still alive,
Go among the trees mighty fairies summon me a witch, a goddess to cast a spell,

To feel someone's soft touch again on my tortured flesh a never-ending dream I see,
Soft warm lips tasting of wine and roses savoring each kiss, sweet breath on my neck,
Laying in the arms of passion with caring and love given without fear of rejection of me,
Fairies I beg of you, for a goddess to lift me up from this earth and my own living hell.


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