Your Picture

by Mish   Jul 23, 2005

I carry your picture around with me wherever I go. Its in a place that no one knows. Its not in a pocket or a book. No one can find it even if they looked. The picture isn't that of film and paper. Its a moment captured, its something greater. I can see it just as clear as day. Remember every detail like is was yesterday. Your picture can never be lost. If it was it would be at a great cost. It captures that sparkle in your eye. The one that the angels envy because its more beautiful than heavens sky. The gentle smile that warmed my frozen soul. And the laughter that once made me whole. It captures your face, more angelic than before. When my heart feels like it cant go on, your picture gives it hope and makes it soar. It captures the man I fell in love with before life got in the way. The man who knew exactly what to say. And though we've gone our separate ways. It reminds me that it wasn't a complete waste. That I once fell in love with a boy who turned my life around. Made me smile when I wanted to frown. Showed me was it was to love and be loved in returned. Taught me many lessons learned. Its more a part of me than you'll ever know. Its the only memory I wont let go. This picture cant be burned or torn apart. Because its hidden deep inside my heart. In that special place just for you. Not because it cant be there, but because its what I choose.


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