Comments : Life is worth living, Zac

  • 18 years ago

    by Carlee Ann

    We all care about him. the problem is, some of the feelings aren't mutual. It's all my fault, Sierra, that he said that to you. He's still alive, he's working and everything. He'll be fine, like you said, with all these people at his side. So I'm one less person... it's ok. Read my new poem "fixed goodbye", after you read his "broken goodbye"... maybe it'll make more sense. ttyl, sweetie. Good poem.


    *Rhubarb, OMPOTHMHA

  • 18 years ago

    by Ally xo

    omg hey sierra long time no talk lol u prop dun remember me but it is brokendreams and i dunno i felt like leaving a coment and u r still so gud.. love it